Three years into starting and expanding a network of community correspondents spread across the length and breadth of India, we've entered into one of our most exciting partnerships yet. With the Poorest Areas Civil Society Programme, VV is expanding into new territories, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, some of the least developed and most marginalised areas of the country.
Video Volunteers through its extensive experience of training and engaging community correspondents and PACS through its deep and community driven work on social inclusion will create a platform that organisations will continue to rely on for stories of change create by these correspondents.
These correspondents are being envisioned as chroniclers of change, supporting campaigns and advocacy efforts at state, regional and national levels. The Community Correspondent network has been envisioned within the larger ‘breaking margins’ ‘voices to end discrimination’ and campaign platforms being forged for by Video Volunteers under IndiaUnheard.
You can watch some of the videos produced by the correspondents here:
The much anticipated launch for the network is on
29th June 2013 in
Delhi. Come join us, take part in the discussion and meet the new Community Correspondent Network.
Venue: Amaltas Auditorium, India Habitat Centre (IHC)
Time: 11:30 am onwards
Panel disucssion: Mainstream media and the other India in the context of social and community media’
Vinod Mehta, editorial chairperson Outlook Group;
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta independent journalist, media commentator and author;
Neelabh Mishra, editor Outlook Hindi;
Pamela Philipose columnist and leads Women’s Feature Service;
Stalin K, founder and director Video Volunteers;
Vipul Mudgal, director, Inclusive Media for Change, CSDS, (Moderated by Parvinder Singh, Head of Advocacy and Communication PACS)
Film screening:
Change Whisperers – A film about the initiative is about 10 min
Unveiling of the webpage on CCN network and testimonies
Photo exhibition on social exclusion under the banner of breaking margins
Live Stream: http://www.streaminglive.in/pacs/
Impact Story
This video is a story of success, a story of a small win against a giant corporation. A story of persistence and a never-say-die attitude. This year, the workers of 3 gardens in the Alipurduar area of Kumargram Block, received a slightly increased yearly bonus, an increase of 3%, from...
Video Volunteers launched an online and offline campaign called “#kNOwTrafficking- Taskari Jaano, Taskaari Roko'' on July 18, 2022.