Applauds for our Community Correspondent Satya Banchor! A tribal Village is Open defection Free now. The beneficiaries belong to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes and were deprived of free government toilets until our correspondent discovered the issue. Satya acted as a strong catalyst in bringing about this change in the lives of the poor tribals.
The Swacch Bharat Mission for providing free latrine worth Rs.12000 for each family in rural areas was started in October 2, 2014 nationwide. However 75 families belonging to Scheduled Tribe did not receive any benefit of this scheme. This case was only a small representation of caste based discrimination in disseminating government schemes prevalent in rural areas.
Villagers risked their lives while they went out to forests for relieving themselves. Apart from the life threatening wild animals attack, the situation was worse in rainy season when one could hardly move out of the home.
Our Correspondent Satya banchor filmed the issue after he discovered it on his field visit. He also made the villagers aware of the scheme information and how to avail the benefit. Next they approached the executive engineer , Suresh Mahanta where the video was screened to him and concerns were raised by villagers. The Officer assured villagers and Satya that the toilets would be built soon.
After rigorous follow up with the officer on phone call and frequent visits to offices, finally the toilet construction work began two months after the appliaction was submitted. The Palli Bikash Samiti , the local NGO and Government officials of RWS & S Department together implemented the project.
Satya bought a real big difference in the lives of the poor tribals.
Video made by Community Correspondent, Satya Banchor
Article by Sameer Malik, a Member of VV Team.
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