Old Caste
Toddy makers of Bihar wary of selling country-beer after alcohol ban
For thousands of people, mostly men, in rural Bihar, toddy is regarded as the poor man’s beer. Toddy, locally called Tadi, is considered as a natural juice,made from the sap of palm tree. It has been a favourite of villagers who throng toddy-makers in the evening to drink the mildly...
West Bengal: Water scarcity forces people to ration drinking water
Annapurna Kumari has been drinking a little water in the past few years, and whatever water she drinks is polluted and unhygienic. Just like her, the 200 other residents of Darikuri Dolashal village, West Bengal, are falling sick in the face of acute water scarcity. So severe is the problem,...
Appeal for a roof over their heads
Indira Awaas Yojana, (IAY) which came into effect in 1985 guaranteeing Housing for All for people living ‘Below Poverty Line’ (BPL). Despite the promised financial support and a solid roof over their heads, 15 Dalit families of Khalasi of Buxar district still reside in temporary slums and makeshift accommodations near...
A March across the Tea gardens for Justice
About 400 tea gardens workers from of Dooars and Terai regions of West Bengal joined a 10-day rally organised by the Progressive Tea Workers Union (PTWU) on January 5, earlier this year. The 390-km rally started in the village of Kumargram Sankosh and ended in the city of Siliguri of...
Since the Delhi rape in 2012, has anything changed for women in India?
Almost four years since the country was shaken by protests after the brutal rape and murder of Jyoti Singh Pandey in 2012, what has changed for young women in India? According to data released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), there was a 9% increase in crimes against...
No morsel of food for tea-garden workers in Bengal
As we sip our morning tea in comforts of our home, tea workers in this tea estate of North Bengal are struggling to survive, eating dried leaves as their meal because their only source of income, the tea estates, owned by Duncans Industries Ltd have shut down since last year...
Impact| Getting Water for Dalit Hamlet in Maharashtra
Under the Self Governance Scheme, the government made arrangements for clean drinking water at Warola village. But that scheme did not reach the dalit hamlet which is home to 250 families. Only the dalit community was deprived of their right to clean drinking water. ‘We have no water through out...
Caste violence, Bihar
This video was made by a Video Volunteers Community Correspondent. Community Correspondents come from marginalised communities in India and produce videos on unreported stories. These stories are ’news by those who live it.’ they give the hyperlocal context to global human rights and development challenges. See more such videos at...