Build me a proper toilet

Dilip Gameti, explains the appalling work done by government sanitation workers in Godwa village, “These toilets were built using only 200-300 bricks, and the plaster was not applied to them properly.”  Even though their intentions were good, due to corruption the sanitation initiative in this village has failed.  Complaining to the authorities has not achieved anything.


Call to Action:  These residents need your help.  Pressurise the authorities to rebuild these toilets that were built by government in Godwa village now. Call: Block Development Officer, Rajsamand district, Rajasthan, Tel: +912952220021

 VV-Correspondent Shambhu Lal Khartik reports about the lack of adequate sanitation facilities in Godwa village, Rajsamand district, Rajasthan.  Toilets built during the sanitation drive by government are in an appalling condition. Initially the toilets were built for only 2-3 houses, but then the scheme was then rolled out 20-25 houses.  The toilets are now barren, either used as storehouses or rubbish pits.


A great idea by the government but the reality as Maherun Nesha from Delwara village explains is far from ideal, “Whenever toilets were built by the government, the work was always half done.  Half done in the sense, some had no doors, the toilet assembly was not good and there was no provision for water to pass by.”

However in Delwara village, toilets were built for 221 families by an NGO called MVM.  These toilets are all in good condition and are used by locals. 

 Maherun Nesha, describes, “They made use of cement, sand, rocks and bricks to build these toilets.  They also had doors and all the facilities needed to operate properly.”


You can make a difference.  As seen by the previous video by VV-Correspondent Jitu Makwana in Choraniya village, Gujarat, communities can receive access to adequate sanitation.  Your contribution really helps get things in motion and reinforces the work of the Correspondent.  Authority figures really feel the international, national and local pressure mount on them and act positively. 


That is why the residents of Godwa village need your help.  Please call the number above NOW!  Change a community’s life for the better.  It’s in you hands.


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