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Dangerous Bridge | Sushima Rava reports for IndiaUnheard

/ November 27, 2015

600 people of Mangalkata Basti in West Bengal are forced to cross a broken wooden bridge which goes over the Nonai river in West Bengal. The bridge leads to the nearest schools, collages, hospital and market. Left with no choice the villagers are living in fear of their lives. Get...

Unsafe Women and Child development | Annapurna Kumari reports for IndiaUnheard

/ November 26, 2015

The Integrated child Development Services (ICDS) is India’s response to the challenge of meeting the holistic need of the child. The ICDS is one of the world’s largest and most unique outreach programme for early childhood care and development. It symbolizes India’s commitment to its children. But the fact of...

Failed Mission Swatch Bharat | Mir Yaseen reports for KashmirUnheard

/ November 25, 2015

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s much-talked-about sanitation programme, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBA), is largely unimplemented in Jammu & Kashmir. The state has also lagged in the implementation of the National Rural Drinking Water Programme, with Rs 310.15 crore unspent in 2014-2015, with more than 60 per cent of the target unmet....

Where are our women disappearing? – Shikha Paharin Reports for IndiaUnheard

/ August 3, 2015

Behulia Paharin of Boriya village in Sahebganj District went missing in May 2014. She was taken to Gurgaon and made to do household work along with 3 more kids. Correspondent Shikha made a video about the issue and showed it to the Police officers at Boriyo but no action was...

Interview with Dalit Rights Activist Sanjay Khobragade

/ May 29, 2014

This is a video testimony of Dalit rights activist Sanjay Khobragade who was set on fire on 17th May 2014 by six members of the ‘higher-caste’ Powar community. This statement was recorded before he passed away on 23rd May. “The six people from the ‘higher’ Powar Caste murdered my father...

Women Forced to Walk Barefoot: Fear & Loathing in Rajasthan

/ January 2, 2013

In today’s video, IndiaUnheard Community Correspondent Shambhulal Khatik calls the bluff on the hypocrisy behind senseless rituals that demean women which are allowed to continue in broad daylight, in the name of ‘tradition’. Says Shambhu, “As soon as a girl child comes of age, she is married off. Numerous restrictions...

The Kashmiri Village that India Forgot

/ December 27, 2011

A Small Village in Budgam, Kashmir is crippled by corruption.