
Take Action

Scarce amenities near a tourist spot

/ March 2, 2023

In Gram Panchayat Ratega (Bijakasa), Bastar District, the Government has declared a Waterfall as a tourist spot. But in and around that area for about 5 kilometres, the residents are facing acute water shortage and other basic amenities, such as all weather roads etc.

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A bridge about to collapse in Bihar

/ February 22, 2023

The bridge that was built by the British is slowly chipping off, and fatal accidents are a regular occurrence there.   The villagers along with our Community Correspondent are requesting the Government officials to repair this bridge. They are getting assurance that the repair work will start soon though it...

Housing Board Dilemma in Gomia 

/ November 8, 2022

In Jharkhand's Bokaro district, in Gomia block, East Sasbeda panchayat, the tenants of Housing Board are facing a problem of evictions.

‘No Road, No Vote’: Villagers Boycott Uttar Pradesh State Elections

/ February 28, 2022

Residents of Pathrai village in Lalitpur district of Uttar Pradesh have decided to not vote if a road is not constructed.

Patna Police Forcefully Evicts People To Secure Space for Patna Metro

/ February 3, 2022

Hundreds of people lost their homes overnight in Bihar's Patna. Will they ever get justice?

Community Survey

Amid COVID-19 Second Wave, How are India’s Rural Areas Faring?

/ May 24, 2021

We may never truly know the extent of deaths and infections in rural India, where 70 percent of our people live.

No Cards

Jharkhand Health Centre Constructed A Decade Ago But Never Got Operational

/ April 15, 2021

Despite having a health centre, people have to travel 15 kms away for any emergency.

Bihar Villagers Make-Do With Bamboo Bridges As No Concrete Crossing In This Flood-Prone Village

/ March 19, 2021

Five months since the new state government has been sworn in but nothing has changed.