October 2011
World Food Day – October 16, 2011
Video Volunteers and the Red Cross Help Communities across India Testify to Vast Problem of Hunger NEW YORK – October 14, 2011 – On the eve of World Food Day – October 16 – Video Volunteers is releasing 12 documentary videos created by people living in slums and villages across India whose...
Slum Dwellers Lose Homes
Slums in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, are being uprooted without provisions for rehabilitation.
Long Walk To School
In rural Tamil Nadu, children walk six kilometers to get to school.
Say No to Plastic!
People of Rajasthan openly flout the ban on plastic.
IndiaUnheard Impact: Community Video Brings Gender Equality
600 female laborers in Maharashtra get equal pay because of our Community Correspondent Rohini Pawar’s video
Lone Teacher Runs School
Only one teacher has been appointed to take responsibility of running a government school in Madhupur, Jharkhand.
Video Volunteers Trainings: The Adivasis of Songadh, Gujarat
“Even in the age of information overload, it is surprising that so little information is available on the tribals. So many histories- personal, political, oral, visual, gastronomic, medical, linguistic, are tucked away in little pockets of the country. During the Songadh trainings, I realized that these pockets are not the...