August 2009
CV Camp update: How do college students feel about learning with Producers?
Naomi Hatfield Allen, an intern with VV from Cambridge University, interviews three participants at VV Community Video Camp in August 2009 Melissa from Australia What is your background and why are you here? I’m doing my final year of social work and am in India to do an internship with...
CV camp update : Interview with Stalin about the creative camera workshop
Dalia, a Croatian student studying at Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication in Pune, was one of the 8 volunteers who got a scholarship to attend the camp in exchange for volunteering. She blogs about her experiences and her interview with our director Stalin K. All I can say is...
Video Volunteers Celebrates Successful Community Video Camp
“You mean to say that sending the email is free?! I don’t have to pay for it?” Laxmi was amazed that there is no equivalent on the Internet to paying for a postage stamp to send a letter. The first twenty minutes of this workshop on digi-activism being held in...
Reflections of a VV Intern: ethnographic notes on the Adivasi CVU
Naomi Hatfield Allen, an intern with VV from Cambridge University, talks about her days at our CVU in Andhra Pradesh. I came to Video Volunteers this summer as an intern and am now coming to the end of my two months here. It has been an incredible experience and I...
CV Camp Update : India Producers Skype with Brazil Producers
One night at the Camp, the Community Producers from India had a skype videoconference with VVs’ Producers from Brazil. Alexandra Pinschmidt, a Masters Candidate in International Development from Drake University and VV Intern, writes about this unique exchange between Community Producers living tens of thousands of miles apart. One of...