Tag: Power

The cost of development paid by small-time farmers

/ April 4, 2016

Industrialization has always given hopes of newer opportunities to citizens. When the news of industrial development had reached small villages of Chhattisgarh, they too were hopeful that their lives would change for the better with industrial growth. 800 residents of a small village in Raigarh, too were hopeful, when Maa...

Still living without electricity – RGRES/ RGGVY fails yet again in Jharkhand

/ September 22, 2015

Jankipur, Saraikella – Kharswan, Jharkhand | Sujeeta Tudu The implementation of Rajiv Gandhi Rural Electrification Scheme or RGRES/ RGGVY has failed yet again in Jharkhand. The villagers’ hopes soared when the electricity poles were brought in 10 years ago in 2005 but, the work was left incomplete. Jankipur along with 101...

No Electricity for India’s Coal Capital

/ July 12, 2012

Jharkhand’s villages are still awaiting power supply.

Corruption Beckons Unpaid Panchayat Members

/ June 30, 2011

Assamese Panchayat members do not receive any wages and struggle to make ends meet.

Power Cuts Short-Circuit Growth

/ July 22, 2010

Recently Nagaland government has shown much seriousness in achieving higher industrial growth.